Hey folks. Azja again.
It has been a little while. Were you wondering how the road trip back went? Well, I'm going to tell you anyway. First of all, yes we once again drove straight through. And secondly, 29 1/2 hours this time, 30 minutes more than last time (we took the long way out of Oklahoma and hit some traffic in the Tulsa area). Now that your main questions have been answered you may be wondering how we were able to once again drive 29 hours straight through. I'm actually wondering that myself. I couldn't seem to stay awake for more than 20 minutes
once we would get on the road. I don't know if it is the vibration or my comfy car seat or the fact that I'm staring backwards and can only see Mom and Dad through a mirror, but something about car travel makes me sleepy. I guess that worked out for all of us. The story is that Dad was just really excited about getting home and being able to have Sunday to unwind. So we hit the road Friday afternoon and drove and drove and stopped for an Azja and Eddy the Dog break and drove and drove and stopped for an Azja and
Eddy the Dog break and drove and drove....you get the idea. Dad loaded up on the driving and let Mom get some much deserved rest. He got to feel a little of that crazy determination that allowed Grandpa Vogt to drive the entire way by himself several years ago. He said the couch was calling. I think he may have also been excited about playing with his records, as he has been doing a lot of that since we got home.

One thing we have all been doing a lot of is sneezing a coughing. We brought back several things from Oklahoma: gifts I received from friends and family, music Uncle Greg lended us (I'm obligated by the recording industry to say we are only borrowing it), a six-pack of Fat Tire, and colds. Yes, colds for everyone. Up until this point I thought the worst things you could experience in life were dehydration, gas, hunger, and a dirty diaper. Currently the cold has topped my list. I'm not a fan. My nose is always blocking up with stuff that Mom and Dad have to suck out with a little blue bulb. I wish I could just blow it all out, but I don't have that much control yet. I get so jealous when Mom and Dad blow their noses in front of me - show-offs. So between cleanings I have to pant and sniffle, and it is ridiculously difficult to get good sleep. I guess the one thing I can be thankful for is that I don't have a sore throat or sore ears like Mom and Dad keep getting. And my cough is definitely not as bad as theirs. Especially Dad. Some of his coughing fits sound like the Big Bad Wolf blowing a house in. I just can't wait to get past this cold so we can go back to the normal routine - 4 hours of sleep in a row. I think Mom and Dad are actually more excited about that than I am. I could lie awake staring at them (and ceiling fans and corners of the ceiling where Mom and Dad are convinced I'm seeing ghosts or something, as I smile and follow invisible things with my eyes) for hours, but they seem to have things to do during the day that don't allow for constant napping. Anyway, the point is if you have a chance to catch one of these colds - don't. They aren't fun. It's not like catching a movie or catching a football. Both of those things are considered fun. Catching a cold is the opposite of that. You'll be smiling and happy, and then you catch the cold and immediately start frowning and (in my case) crying. I'd much rather catch a movie, even something as bad as 'Happy Feet' or 'The Talented Mr. Ripley'. Actually, I'd rather have a cold than watch 'The Talented Mr. Ripley'.
So I'm pretty excited about this Halloween thing coming up. We went down to Reading this last weekend to help

As I said before, Dad is DJ-ing the party as DJ Hazbro (or DJ Hasbro - the 's' is for his kid-

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