Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter - A Time of Resurrection...for my blog!

Bet you thought my blog was lost. That I had forgotten about it completely and left it to rot in the blogosphere somewhere, possibly resting peacefully next to the sneezing panda baby - fun to revisit from time to time but no longer fresh and interesting. Well, I'm back. And what better time to spring forth with rejuvination than Easter! After all, Easter does represent renewal, what with all the eggs and fertility gods (whatever that means - someone once told me that the Easter bunny had something to do with a fertility god, like maybe it is a good time to plant your crops in these gods and then the bunnies eat the carrots that grow or's all very confusing). Oh, and chocolate. Somehow chocolate fits in there as well. Perhaps the chocolate represents the sweetness of spring and how great it is to go outside again - gives you the feeling of being in love, which shares a hormonal commonality with the ingredients of chocolate...again, way beyond my scope of comprehension. Anyway, Easter is here, and so is my blog. There has been a lot of activity since we last met. We got a lot of snow while Dad was in Richmond for a business trip. We went to Oklahoma with Jay and Hallie, where we learned about the legality of carrying ice chests full of beer, shot some guns (not me personally), and laughed a lot. I got some teeth (2 in the front on the bottom) and had some professional pictures taken of me on my 6 month birthday (only the first tooth had appeared at that time). It started warming up outside, so we got to start going out to the firepit area again. I went back to Oklahoma with Mom and saw cousin Garrett on his birthday, while Dad and Hallie saw Grandpa Dunham in Philly before going to a Shearwater show. I learned to start crawling in a straight line (rather than use my rolling technique) to get where I want to go (usually towards Eddy the Dog). And I was visited by the Easter bunny. That covers a lot of it. But why tell you in prose, when it would be much more enjoyable for everyone involved to recall the last 3 months in verse as inspired by the famous bedtime story "Goodnight Moon"? Here we go:

Hello Glass

And fun play mat

And musical elephant smashing me flat

And there's my name
On Mommy's wrist
In Devanagari
(the written Sanskrit)

I'm wearing a hat
Too big for my head

There's my Nine Inch Nails Onesie

And a very cold Ed

But the snowfall came later
We first went to OK

Where Mom went hands-free

And Dad went 3-D with Jay

Hello Calf-Fries

And hello beer

Hello flip-cup

Flipadelphia's here!

Happy Birthday Uncle Bill!

Happy Birthday Uncle Tom!

Out shooting guns with my
Palin-esque Mom

Hello Gangster Dad

On the range with no care

And goodnight to Tommy's
collapsable chair

Goodnight Grandpa Vogt
While I'm sleeping on you

And Mom and Dad get hassled
By cops with nothing to do

Goodnight prairie dogs

And Grandma Dunham, too
Time to go back
To where cold turns us blue
Hello mirror
And silly disguises
Smiling at Daddy
And knitted surprises
Hello Spring weather
Hello silly faces
Sleeping face down
And friends in low places
Hello Grandma Vogt
And homemade hot wings
And new Easter outfits
To welcome the Spring!
I hope you enjoyed Azja's story-time!
Good night,