So, what else has changed? Well, I've started smiling on purpose now! Dad is still working on getting a picture of what he says is the most beautiful smile in the world (I think he's a little biased). I'm not quite consistent with smiling, so it makes a captured photo a bit of a challenge. I know what I'm doing,

Other than that, Dad has been practicing more and more for the Halloween party,

Mom has been busy preparing for the road trip. Oh, I didn't tell you about the road trip? Well, considering I am now writing this from Oklahoma, I guess I'd better divulge the deets. Mom's friend Shanna is getting married on Saturday the 26th. Mom is one of the bride's maids. So we set up a road trip that would get us to Oklahoma in time for the wedding and also allow for my baptism the following day. Remember how I was all excited about Okarche weddings and curious about baptisms when I experienced both from the womb? Well now I get to experience both first-hand in one weekend! Holy ticker-tape parade, Batman! But how to get to Oklahoma, this is the question. Mom and Dad's answer was to load the car up to maximum capacity, install a dog guard (or as the instruction manual mistakenly called it, a "god guard"), and drive the 1400 mile distance with me locked in a car-seat and Eddy the Dog locked in the back. Sounds like quite an adventure, huh? Well, the plan was to spread this out over 3 days. Wednesday Dad started his vacation. We would leave at around 7:30 Wednesday morning, rolling into Knoxvillle that evening and checking into a hotel for the first night. We would then spend the next day crawling across Tennessee until reaching Arkansas and spending the night in Little Rock. This would have left about 3 1/2 hours of travel time for Friday, bringing us into Okarche on Friday afternoon sometime. This was the plan. But things don't always go according to plan, do they?
What really happened is that on Tuesday, Mom started packing and thought she might have enough energy to drive through part of the night. Dad thought it would be nice to get an early start (as long as he got to sleep first - he had a long day at work).

The rest of the day things went well. Eddy the Dog slept peacefully in the back of the car, and I slept peacefully in my car seat. I slept through Maryland and West Virginia. We had another bio break in Virginia, and by the afternoon we had hit Knoxville! It was there that Dad learned about Knoxville's significance as the great golden spike (punctuated by the golden sun-sphere, made famous in a Simpsons episode) uniting the beer distribution of two parts of the country. See, Yuengling is only sold on the East Coast. Fat Tire, a New Belgium beer from Colorado, is mostly distributed in the mid-west.

Well, I guess that's it for now. That was actually quite a lot. I really just ramble on sometimes. Oh well, at least there were pictures to break up the monotony of such a story. And if those weren't enough, here are some we took before the road trip. Gotta go for now. In accordance with the wishes of Dad, we're going to Eischen's for lunch (chicken, okra, and chicken....and milk for me, thank you).

Catch you later,